Wednesday, 08 May 2024

This is the reason why sweating when we sick can make us feel slightly better


IllustrationIllustration - When we are sick, we often hear suggestions to sweat so that the body will feel better, whether by drinking warm drinks or eating warm food, or doing light exercise if you can.

According to Leeja Carter, PhD, assistant professor of sports psychology and exercise at Long Island University in Brooklyn, by doing that, our body will produce endorphin. Endorphins can provide a pleasant feeling and improve our mood, provide a positive effect that can make you feel better.

Even so it does not mean that the 'pain' that we feel can come out through sweat, continued Michele Olson, PhD, CSCS, a senior clinical professor of sports science at Huntingdon College in Alabama. "When sweat evaporates from the skin, our body will feel so good. This is an important way to reduce body temperature" she said.

Therefore, sweat which causes a reduction in heat can prevent the fever from getting higher. If your pain is above the neck (stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat and no fever), then you can treat yourself by doing some light exercises.

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