Friday, 26 Apr 2024

An influencer from US is arrested by the police with the allegation of sexual assault


Ray Diaz arrested by the policeRay Diaz arrested by the police - An influencer from US, Ray Diaz was arrested by the Los Angeles police on Friday, July 12, 2019. Ray was thrown in jail on charges of sexual abuse.

This accusation against Ray began after a video that went viral which uploaded by a 17-year-old Instagram account with the account name Angelica Salek. In the video there is a figure suspected as Diaz doing sexual harassment.

"After conducting an investigation, LAPD detectives arrested influencer Ray Diaz because of a sexual abuse case in San Diego, CA," the police statement was quoted as saying by CNN International.

The victim of Diaz's sex abuse in an interview on host-hosted YouTube Chanel DramaAlert Daniel 'Keemstar' claimed to have been dating the Cuban-born celebrity for a year. She also mentioned Diaz often committed violence to her physically and mentally, including sexual abuse.

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