Friday, 26 Apr 2024

The Ministry of Transportation of Indonesia will impose new tariffs for online motorcycle in 88 cities


Photo : InternetPhoto : Internet - Starting since tomorrow, August 9, 2019 at 00.00 am, local time, the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) will impose new online motorcycle (ojol) tariffs in 88 cities. With the enactment of the new ojol tariff, total of 123 cities will have implemented the new ojol tariff. Meanwhile, Grab already has ojol services in 224 cities.


This is the list of regencies that will apply new tariffs for ojol :

Zone I : covers for Java (outside Jabodetabek), Sumatra, Bali

1. Sabang 
2. Bukittinggi
3. Agam Regency
4. Lima Puluh Kota Regency
5. Tanah Datar District
6. Padang Panjang
7. Payakumbuh
8. Duri
9. Bengkalis Regency
10. Tanjung Pinang 
11. Jambi 
12. Muaro Jambi Regency
13. Kisaran Regency
14. Asahan Regency
15. Karo Regency
16. Toba Samosir Regency
17. Tanjung Balai 
18. Padangsidempuan
19. Padang Lawas 
20. South Tapanuli Regency
21. Serdang Bedagai Regency
22. Pematangsiantar 
23. Simalungun Regency
24. Tebing Tinggi 
25. Rantau Prapat 
26. Labuhan Batu Regency
27. Batang Regency
28. Cilacap Regency
29. Kebumen Regency
30. Banyumas Regency
31. Brebes Regency
32. Purworejo Regency
33. Pekalongan 
34. Pekalongan Regency
35. Pemalang Regency
36. Banjarnegara Regency
37. Purbalingga Regency
38. Salatiga 
39. Banyuwangi Regency
40. Bojonegoro Regency
41. Jember Regency
42. Bondowoso Regency
43. Jombang Regency
44. Kediri Regency
45. Kediri 
46. ??Nganjuk Regency
47. Madiun 
48. Magetan Regency
49. Ngawi Regency
50. Ponorogo Regency
51. Mojokerto 
52. Mojokerto Regency
53. Serang
54. Lebak Regency
55. Cirebon 
56. Cirebon Regency
57. Garut Regency
58. Indramayu Regency
59. Kuningan Regency
60. Majalengka Regency
61. Tasikmalaya
62. Tasikmalaya Regency
63. Subang Regency
64. Sukabumi
65. Sukabumi Regency
66. Cianjur Regency
67. Purwakarta Regency
68. Sumedang Regency
69. Ciamis Regency
70. Pangandaran Regency
71. Banjar 
72. Malang
73. Malang Regency
74. Batu 
75. Tegal 
76. Tegal Regency
77. Demak Regency
78. Kendal Regency
79. Pati Regency
80. Jepara Regency

Zone III covers Kalimantan, Sulawesi, NTT, and Maluku
1. Bitung 
2. Tomohon 
3. Palopo 
4. Tarakan
5. Ternate
6. Sorong 
7. Merauke Regency
8. Pare-Pare






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