Thursday, 02 May 2024

Eight health benefits of herbal tea


Photo : InternetPhoto : Internet -  The lifestyle of urban living is commonly full of pressure and pollution. So you should be aware of your body health by means regularly drinking herbal tea.

Herbal tea is believed to be useful for your body health as long as it is made of the right ingredient using the right method. Besides, herbal tea is rich in antioxidant, mineral, and vitamin to help your body relax and fresh your mind.

Here are eight health benefits of herbal tea as reported by Times of India and Healthline:

This is the right drink you need to detoxify your body. Rich in antioxidants, herbal tea will cleanse free radicals or harmful substances in your body.

Help to lose weight

Herbal tea made of the physillium husk, fennel and lemongrass can increase your body metabolism and burn unnecessary fat.

Boost immunity
Antioxidants and vitamin contained in herbal tea help to tackle diseases and infection. The drink also protects you from oxidative stress and prevent chronic illnesses. The best tea includes elderberry, echinacea, ginger, and licorice root tea.

The high amount of antioxidants in herbal tea helps to delay the aging process and prevent damages due to free radicals. It will also return the age of your body cells and make you look younger.

Help in digestion
A cup of herbal tea after a meal helps your body digest foods easily, particularly herbal tea that riches in spearmint. It will smooth your digestive system and protect you from overeating.

Reduce inflammation
Herbal tea contains anti-inflammatory substances to reduce gastrointestinal distress, the stress in joints, head pain, as well as arthritis.

Reduce stress
Several kinds of herbal tea such as chamomile tea will help you reduce stress and insomnia as it releases chemical substances that tackle stress, depression, and insomnia.

Some people suffer from nausea due to certain factors. Pregnant women are allowed to drink herbal tea to overcome morning sickness.





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