Saturday, 27 Apr 2024

Kuansing Regent Mursini has "Coffee Morning" event with Press Personnel


(Regent Kuansing Mursini with members of the press (photo / zar))(Regent Kuansing Mursini with members of the press (photo / zar)) -

KUANSING- There are three things that Kuansing Regency Government must do to avoid hoax news. Especially the hoax news that is not good for the Kuantan Singingi regency.

This was revealed by the Chairperson of the Riau PWI Advisory Board, Dheni Kurnia during a guest speaker at the Kuansing Regency Coffee Morning Program with Press Personnel. "These three things are very effective for the Kuansing Regency Government to ensnare the journalists, who work daily and cover in Kuansing," Dheni Kurnia said in the Hall of the Kuansing Regent's Office, Friday (10/10/2019).

In front of the Regent Kuansing Mursini, MSi, the Regional Secretary Dr. Dianto Mampanini, MT, the Head of Kominfo Syamsir Alam, MM, the Head of the Agency, the Head of Ministry of Communication and Information Technology Office, the Head of the Department, the Head of the Division, the Head of Subdivision, the Head of Subdivision and the Dozens of Print and Online Media reporters.

The first three things that Dheni mentioned were that journalists had to be given a debt of gratitude (giving grant funds for their activities). Secondly given various inputs and there is no favoritism to the journalists themselves. And finally establish communication and expand Coffee Morning activities like this.

Dheni also mentioned that there are quite a lot of Media Online now, so it is very beneficial for Telkomsel and others, because there are many standing towers (based on more than 100 data). As a result, there has been a decline in interest in reading through Print Media, which currently only has around 600 copies left in Kuansing.

"In 2005 - 2010 the interest in reading newspapers in Kuansing ranked third after Pekanbaru and Dumai, reaching 4000-5000 copies," he said.

While Regent Kuansing Mursini, MSi, the actual level of welfare of journalists depends on the budget. "We only run it, in accordance with Ministry of Home Affairs / Ministry of Finance regulations," he said.

Regarding this activity, it must be routinely carried out, and there needs to be a commitment from the press to keep the news better (avoid Hoaxs). "Weaknesses in the Regency and Ministry of Communication and Information Technology weaknesses will be corrected for the future," said the Regent.

While Urban Regional Planning Expert Ir Mardianto Manan, MT alluded to the issue of the collapse of the SPG building being replaced by another. Even though SPG is one of the printers of the intellectual generation, the proof is that the Kuansing people were very well-known in the past and even Prof. Mukhtar Lutfi, Prof. Suwardi MS, Prof. Aras Mulyadi came from Kuansing.

Likewise in terms of media, one of the oldest media in Riau is Suluh Kuantan (1958). And in the future, at the age of 20 years Kuansing stands up, understanding should be more mature in planning, "he said.

Previously the Head of the Office of Communication and Information, Ir. H. Syamsir Alam, MM Delivering the purpose of carrying out the morning coffee activity is to establish a friendly relationship between the Regional Government and the Press Persons in Kuantan Singingi Regency.

"At present the number of media in Kuansing is 49 online media, 12 print media, and we hope that all of the Press Personnel members will give positive input to develop this region together, so that the implementation of regional development in the future will be better," he said. (R24 / Zar)

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