Friday, 26 Apr 2024

Ukui Resident Found Dead in Front of Chicken Coops With Hands Still Grabbing Plates


(Maralum Lumban Gaol, a resident lying lifeless in front of his chicken coop (photo / Ardi))(Maralum Lumban Gaol, a resident lying lifeless in front of his chicken coop (photo / Ardi)) -

PELALAWAN- Maralum Lumban Gaol was found dead lying in front of his chicken coop. The body was found at Jalan Pipa Pertamina Simpang Sari Subur Valley, Ukui District, Pelalawan Regency, on Monday (11/11/2019), night.

"The victim was found died, precisely in front of the chicken coop, in the yard of his house," said AKBP Pelalawan Police Chief Hasyim Risahondua, Wednesday (11/13/2019).

Ukui Police Chief said the police chief, immediately dropped the location after receiving a report from residents. "The condition of the corpse when found in the supine position by using a naked green towel," explained Police Chief Hasyim.

Beside the corpse there is 1 motorcycle key, 1 house key, and left hand still holding 1 green plastic plate.

From the explanation of citizens, named Adi. He and his colleague Soni, had entered the victim's house through a side window because the door was locked. But the victim was not found inside the house.

"Furthermore, witness Adi and witness Soni searched around the house and the witness found him next to the house precisely in front of the chicken coop which is approximately 20 meters from the victim's house," concluded the police chief.

The victim was then evacuated to the Ukui Community Health Center. Because the victim's family objected to an autopsy, the victim's family was asked to make a rejection statement. (R24 / Ardi)

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