Friday, 26 Apr 2024

At Taqwa Elementary School is the overall winner of the month of the love of the Qur'an


(Integrated Islamic Elementary School (SDIT) At Taqwa won a rotating trophy at the Qur'an Love Month competition, recently, at Pangkalan Kerinci (photo / ist))(Integrated Islamic Elementary School (SDIT) At Taqwa won a rotating trophy at the Qur'an Love Month competition, recently, at Pangkalan Kerinci (photo / ist)) -

PANGKALAN KERINCI - Integrated Islamic Elementary School (SDIT) At Taqwa won a rotating trophy at the Qur'an Love Month competition, recently, at the Kerinci Base. At Taqwa Elementary School students succeeded in becoming champions in various categories in the ability to read the Qur'an which was attended by all elementary schools / MIs in the Pangkalan Kerinci District.


In the Qur'an recitation category, Rodifa Inside Mansaid won 1st place. Then for the Tahfidz one Juz category, 1st place was won by Ahmad Syatir and Aulia Atina Rahmi the 3rd champion. In the Tahfidz half Juz category, M. Galih Ijlal Musyaffa and Nuorin Hanna won 1st and 3rd place. Meanwhile, the Tartil, Aghniya Rahman and Yogi Kurnia categories won 2nd and 3rd place.

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BWPIA Deputy Chairperson for Education and HR at SD IT At Taqwa Fahrizal Tampubolon said they are proud of the achievements of the students. Fahri added, besides focusing on mastering the Qur'an, SD IT At Taqwa also has a variety of extracurricular activities that could help students improve their abilities.

"This achievement proves that Taqwa Elementary School has quality learning quality and is able to form a generation of achievement," he said.


At Taqwa Elementary School is a school under the auspices of the Islamic Education Waqf Board at Taqwa (BWPIA), the Riau Andalan Muslim Association (IMRA), PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (RAPP).

Initially the school is located within the company's complex, starting from TKIT and SDIT. In line with its development, the company helps relocate the school to Pangkalan Kerinci City and is open to the public. At-Taqwa School has a motto of achievement in 5 fields namely academic, religious, cultural arts and sports. Many achievements have been achieved by this school. (release)


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