Friday, 26 Apr 2024

Ministry of Communications and Informatics blocked Fights of Gods Game


Fights of Gods GameFights of Gods Game - Potentially cause SARA friction, game Fight of Gods got criticism from a number of parties. Malaysia, for example, are already close to this streaming gaming access.

Do not want to go on this issue, the Ministry of Communications and Informatics (Kominfo) eventually join hands down by sending a letter addressed to Steam party.

As is known, the game Fight of Gods is the game scuffles that offer a variety of a character with a manifestation of God, the Prophet, and the God of a religion. The game can only be played on a PC was later sold through Steam platform.

The Government of Malaysia itself some time ago had blocked access to the internet in his country to the Steam. However, the Steam eventually apologize and remove the game from its platform so Government of Malaysia wants to open access its platform.

Meanwhile in Indonesia, according to interviews with Director General of Informatics Applications Kominfo, Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan, they had already sent a letter to Steam to block the game from Indonesia. "Yes, we have sent a letter to immediately do geo blocking for Indonesia. According to our rules, within 2 x 24 hours they have to carry out. Otherwise we will block the distributor channel, "said Semuel to detikINET, Tuesday (14/9).

He also admitted, his parties had gotten an awful public complaint related Fight of Gods games. However, Semual claimed to have no time to download the game. "Haven't gotten around to downloading. But have seen the trailer," he said.

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