Friday, 26 Apr 2024

Using her smartphone while step on the stairs, a woman from China falls and death


Using her smartphone while step on the stairs, a woman from China falls and death Using her smartphone while step on the stairs, a woman from China falls and death -  In our technology-ridden world, more and more people are getting attached to their gadgets.

Children tend to stay indoors and use their computers instead of enjoying a little bit of sun outside.

Young adults choose to talk and chat with their friends online, instead of meeting them in person and maybe have a better time.

A Chinese woman was seen on a video footage walking down the stairs from a pedestrian overpass in the Anhui city of Suzhou with her head down and her mind focused on her phone.

She then seemed to miss a step and stumbled down with her head first!

Afterward, the woman immediately lost consciousness with the fall causing serious injuries to her face and head.

The woman was later seen lying on a pool of blood. Though she was still alive after her fall, she soon died at the hospital after falling into a coma.

Versi Mobile
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