Saturday, 27 Apr 2024

Indonesia government was lobbying with WTO for approval of import imposition of intangible goods


Indonesia government was lobbying with WTO for approval of import imposition of intangible goodsIndonesia government was lobbying with WTO for approval of import imposition of intangible goods -  Now, the government is lobbying the World Trade Organization (WTO) for the proposed the imposition of import duties on the import of intangible goods to approved.

Currently, the government that represented by the Directorate General of Customs and Trade Ministry is following the WTO trial which took place in Argentina.

One of its missions is to smooth the plan. The Director General of Customs and Trade , Heru Pambudi said that they party was still awaiting the results of the WTO hearing.
During the awaiting results, Heru said they also coordinate about this plan to various related parties.

"We can wait in this week, our parallel is coordinating between the domestic industries that have interests to this business. It have harmonization between imported intangible products and conventional products so that the level of playing field is good," Heru explained when met at the Ministry Coordinator for Economic Affairs, Jakarta, Tuesday.

Heru explained, later they will imposed this rule is in the form of a business or a sale. However, he still can not to provide a detailed explanation of the technical implementation.

"What we wear is primarily trade, commercial goods, which means there is business to business, commercial interests, which is why I have not been able to provide details so as not to make the confusing questions of society before it was issued," he explained.

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