Friday, 26 Apr 2024

Small bumps on the surface of the skin can be cured by natural ingredients


IllustrationIllustration - The growth of meat on the surface of the skin is also a resulted by virus. When viewed from the form and its characteristics, this can also be called a wart. It is very disturbing appearance if the growth in place seen by others.

If the warts are not large, the warts can be removed naturally, and most people first remove the warts on the skin by using Betel blended with Detergent. This is considered effectives because the heat generated can overcome the warts that grow on the surface of the skin.

But there are still many more natural ways that you can choose in treating warts that grow on the skin surface, such as:

1. Eliminating Warts by using garlic

Benefits of Garlic has been repeatedly discussed because of its effectiveness to overcome various skin diseases such as boil, Acne, and is no exception to overcome the problem of Warts that you may be experiencing at this time.

You just simply provide one clove of Garlic then puree. Garlic that has been pureed rub on the skin contained warts, then dressing with bandages, so the herb is still attached to the warts.

The heat caused by Garlic and high sulfur content on Garlic will eradicate the HPV virus that causes warts and eliminate warts growing on the skin. We recommend doing this routine until the wart disappears completely.

2. Eliminating Warts by using Apple Vinegar

Apple Vinegar is a natural disinfectant that can be used to eradicate any form of infection caused by bacteria or viruses attached to the skin surface.

Several studies have shown that Apple Vinegar contains antioxidants Chlorogenic acid and other substances that can help kill cancer cells and shrink tumors.

Apple vinegar is believed to eliminate warts to the roots. How to use it is,  dip a cotton ball into Apple Vinegar and press on the location of Warts. Maybe this will cause pain, that's exactly how the apple vinegar in eradicating the existing warts.

3. Removing warts using Banana Peels

Banana skin is often used to tenderize meat. This is because banana peels are rich in Enzyme Polyphenol Oxidase (PPO) or Tanin and Proteolytic Enzymes that are able to decompose meat proteins and make them easier to cook (tender).

This enzyme can also make the banana peel is useful to remove warts on the skin, because keratin on Wart is a hard protein. The way is you puree the raw banana skin, then paste on the warts, do this routinely until the warts completely disappeared.

4. Eliminating Warts using Potatoes

Potatoes, especially White Potatoes have high potassium levels are believed to kill HPV virus causes Warts. The way is you grate or puree potatoes and then pasted on the warts. Do it regularly, then the wart on your skin will disappear.

5. Eliminating Warts using Papaya Sap

Sap obtained from the young Papaya fruit can also be used to remove warts from the surface of the skin.

This is because Papaya sap contains papain enzymes that can soften meat by decomposing the protein, so the way it works is similar to Banana peels

How to use is also quite easy, you just take the sap from the fruit of young Papaya, then take out the sap and pasted on the warts.

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