Friday, 26 Apr 2024

Child marriage still occurred in some areas in Indonesia


Early MarriageEarly Marriage - Child marriage still haunts Indonesia, last occurred in Bantaeng, South Sulawesi (South Sulawesi). Long before, child marriage often found after getting permission from the Religious Court (PA).

As reported by the website of the Supreme Court (MA), examples of child marriages occurred in Padang Sidempuan, North Sumatra. The mother, Rona Azizah applied for marriage permission for her daughter who was aged 15 years in 2014 ago. The bride, a 68-year-old grandfather, is a widower.

In the trial, the grandfather said would be able to meet his future wife with both physically and mentally, although there was a high difference in age. The grandfather also stated that he had no intimidation and exploitation of his future wife, nor would he abandon her, but he truly loved and wished as his wife.

"Based on the above considerations the judges considered that although the age of prospective husbands with a prospective wife much different, but because the marriage passed by the two prospective bridegroom is based on mutual love and no intimidation or exploitation from other parties, then provide dispensation marrying the child of the Petitioners, will not violate the provisions contained in the Child Protection Act" said the assembly.

"Therefore, the Assembly considered that the application of marriage is not contradictory to Islamic law" he said on June 3rd, 2014.

A 15-year-old child is also allowed to marry by the Sharia Court of Banda Aceh. The bride is 15 years old and the groom is 27 years old. Both were allowed to marry through the Decision Number 0172 / Pdt.P / 2014 / MS.Bna.

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