Friday, 26 Apr 2024

These five country has the most bizarre rules


IllustrationIllustration - Rules are made to make the society more discipline and organize. But there are countries that have rules that may be strange to Indonesian people.

1.       Sweden: Giving baby’s names according to the rules

In Indonesia, people give their baby’s name freely. There are those who name their child based on car’s name or even those who name their child with only one syllable. But do not think you can do this if you live in Sweden. Sweden has its own rule for its civilians in naming their child. Parents can only name their children with one of the 7000 names listed by the government for the first and last names. Parents are only given liberty in giving middle name. This rule is to protect the children in the future.

2.       Canada: Forbid to whistle

In Petrolia, Canada, people are forbidden to whistle, scream, or make any loud noises at 11:00 p.m. until 08:00 a.m. This is because at that time, people are resting so any loud noise is forbidden to respect other people’s rest. This rule is passed by the government and applied en masse.

3.       Greece: Forbid to wear high heels

In some places in Greece, there is a rule that forbid people to wear high heels. But, this rule does not apply to all areas, only historical places. This is due to the concern of Greek tourism agency in preserving the places that have existed for thousands of years.

4.       France: Parents can cancel their children’s wedding

In France, parents have powers to cancel their children’s wedding for whatever reason. This happens in 2010, when the parents of the groom cancelled their son’s wedding, because they feared their son was only used by the bride, who came from Hong Kong, to gain protection from France citizenship.

5.       Malaysia: Forbid to wear yellow-colored clothes

In Indonesia, you can wear any color you want. But if you come to Malaysia, make sure you do not wear yellow. Yellow color is considered the symbol of protests that protesters use to wear in Malaysia. If you do not want to get strange looks, or even arrested by security, you should not wear this color.

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