Saturday, 27 Apr 2024

KPK named suspects in case of alleged graft connected to BPK


KPK named suspects in case of alleged graft connected to BPKKPK named suspects in case of alleged graft connected to BPK - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) on Saturday, May 27 2017 named four suspects in a case of alleged graft following raids conducted at the offices of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) and the Villages, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Ministry.

“Following the investigation, it could be concluded there was suspected graft practiced in the financial audit conducted by the BPK into the Villages, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Ministry’s 2016 budget report,” KPK chairman Agus Rahardjo said.

The KPK named the ministry’s inspector general, Sugito, and Jarot Budi Prabowo, a high-ranking official at the ministry, as well as two BPK auditors, Rachmadi Saptogiri and Ali Sadli, as suspects in the bribery case.

KPK deputy chairman Laode Muhammad Syarief said Sugito was accused of having bribed the BPK auditors in an effort to obtain an “unqualified (WTP)” opinion – the best audit level – for the ministry’s 2016 budget report.

During the raid on the BPK, KPK investigators seized Rp 40 million (US$3,000) in cash that was allegedly provided by the Villages, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Ministry to Ali.

The KPK also confiscated Rp 1.15 billion and $3,000 from a safe-deposit box in Rachmadi’s office. “The KPK is investigating whether or not the money [seized from the deposit box] is related to the alleged bribery,” said Laode.

On Friday, the KPK carried out an operation in two locations and apprehended seven people, four of whom were later named suspects, for questioning. The three others – Rachmadi’s secretary, Johan’s driver and a security staff member at the BPK office – were questioned as witnesses.

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