Friday, 26 Apr 2024

This concoction is claimed to be effective to stop the cigarette addiction in just two weeks


IllustrationIllustration - Smoking habits are very difficult to be stopped, especially for a heavy smoker. Maybe someone has made a resolution to quit smoking, but whether it has worked or not. And often people have already intended to stop but eventually come back smoking again.

Smoking does not affect your body after several years of smoking, but it will directly affect your health from the first time you smoke.

Not only bad results for the smoker's body but cigarette smoke also bad for other people around the smoker, for the fathers who still have children under five, pay attention to your shirt, do not let the ash from your cigarette smoke attached to your shirt and inhaled by the child when you carry him.

As is Known cigarettes contain a lot of nicotine, which affect the body, such as blood pressure, lung cancer, heart problems and other diseases. The decision is in your hands, whether you want to sacrifice your health for harmful chemicals in cigarettes.

All smokers must understand how difficult it is to quit smoking. Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not. If it works, at least for one month, but the their smoking again.

That's the most dangerous effect of smoking, addiction. This condition is caused by nicotine contained in cigarettes that make nerves always ask for and continue to ask for nicotine intake.

And in addition to nicotine there are thousands of other harmful gases in a cigarette. That is why many doctors say that smoking like poisoning their own body from within.

It is this bad habit that damages the lungs and causes many diseases. The effects that can be generated for the body have not appeared at the moment their smoke. Therefore, before it will be sustained, you should start to stop before making cigarettes as a necessity.

But do not give up, if all this time you always fail to stop smoking, then there is no harm if you try the recipe below. Already many people who successfully quit smoking after applying the following recipe:

Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of baking soda powder and a glass of water

How to Make: Mix baking soda with water until it blends, Drink this concoction twice a day for 2 weeks, if still can stop you from smoking, continue continue for one week more.

God willing, the addiction to smoke will be lost thanks to the above ingredients. Every time you feel there is a temptation to smoke again, immediately wash your mouth and gargle until the desire to smoke disappears.

This article is quoted from the source:

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