Friday, 26 Apr 2024

The Benefits that our body gain from the fasting


IllustrationIllustration - Fasting is one of the obligatory practices for Muslims. It is usually done during Ramadhan Month. Some people feel too lazy in fasting, because they do not know the benefits we get from fasting. Here are some benefits we got from it.

1.       Making digestion system healthy

During fasting, out digestion system is taking a rest. During this rest is when it will improve its function.

2.       Lowering blood sugar level

To gain energy, our body will increase the splitting of glucose during fasting. As the glucose split, our blood sugar level becomes lower.

3.       Strengthening immune system

Natural food that we consume during fasting is good antioxidants. This is what strengthens our immune system.

4.       Detoxification

The toxic inside our body will be burned during fasting.

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