Friday, 26 Apr 2024

Effective solutions to prevent fruits from turning brown in your kitchen


IllustrationIllustration -  One of issues when we comes to the kitchen is the fruits turning brown. Off course, the issues are endless and sometimes many people will desperately look for an easy and quick solution. 

Fruits are rich in iron. When you fresh-cut such fruits (like apple) the internal cells are damaged. And when those damaged cells are exposed to air, it react and result in the formation of an enzyme called polyphenol, causing iron oxide to form a layer. 

And to remove this issues, the way that we choose is to cutting the fruit that turning brown. 

But, here are some easy and effective solutions to get rid of the problem.

1. Soak in cold water
After slicing the fruits, the best way to stop the process is to soak them in cold water. Make sure that they are fully soaked, not partially.

2. Soak in salt water
According to food experts, it is suggested to soak the fresh-cut fruits in salt-water solution for 3-5 minutes. For the solution, you need to add ½ teaspoon of white salt to per quart of water.

3. Using a rubber band
Slice them, and then wrap them tightly with the help of a rubber band. Make sure that the cut part is not exposed to air.

4. Using fresh lemon juice
Another interesting way to prevent fruits from turning brown is to dip them in fresh lemon juice. According to experts, fresh juices that contain citric acid help slow the enzymatic reaction and as a result, fruits don’t turn brown.

5. Soak in ginger 
You can also use ginger or any soda with citric acid to prevent fresh-cut fruits from turning brown. Use of soda might hamper the taste of fruit, so in order to balance it; you can sprinkle some white sugar to reduce the effect.

6. Use air-tight sealed bags
You can using air-tight sealed plastic bags to protect the fresh-cut fruits.

7. Sprinkle ascorbic acid powder
Ascorbic acid powder is a vitamin C powder that is easily available at any health food store. You can simply, sprinkle the powder on the fresh-cut fruits and keep them covered at room temperature or can also refrigerate.



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