Thursday, 02 May 2024

"Sesame Street" will be reship with sex, murders and drugs


Soon more our lovely characters-dolls!Soon more our lovely characters-dolls! - In the network appeared the trailer of the movie "Toys for adults" with characters-dolls, stylized for the children's educational TV show "Sesame Street". The video is published on YouTube channel “STX Entertainment».

The tape will tell you how dolls and people live side by side in Los Angeles. According to the plot, in the city begin to kill artists who starred in a popular TV show. Find a criminal trying private investigator (Bill Barrett, voice) and a female police officer (Melissa McCarthy).

"No Sesame. This is true street, "- it’s reported in the trailer.

Directed by Brian Henson, who worked on the series "Muppet" in the late 1990s. Bryan is the son of Jim Henson, the creator of the characters "Sesame Street" and the author of the humorous Muppets show.

The premiere of the film is scheduled for August 16.

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