Saturday, 27 Apr 2024

To get amazing curls the next morning, stop drying your hair with a towel


To get amazing curls the next morning, stop drying your hair with a towel To get amazing curls the next morning, stop drying your hair with a towel - If you are one of those people who refrains from using a hair dryer, this is a perfect beauty hack for you.

Swap the towel with a t-shirt to quickly dry your hair. Also if you keep it overnight, you will get amazing curls the next morning.

This is how it works.

When your hair is wet, it tends to be weak. A towel absorbs all the moisture and roughs up the cuticle instead of absorbing excess water.

This makes the hair frizzy. Whereas a t-shirt is made up of soft cotton, that absorbs excess water quickly while retaining the moisture required. Additionally you are also repurposing the old t-shirts.

Many of you would be re-wetting your hair several times to style it the way you want. That is because towel takes away all the moisture.

With t-shirt, your hair will be damp enough to style, but dry enough to be stable and not fragile. The days you wash your hair, choose your old t-shirt. However, ensure you choose the one that's 100 percent cotton.

You have to not only be gentle with your hair in the shower, the way you dry your hair also makes a lot of difference.

Water causes the hair cuticle to swell up making your hair prone to damage. And the sooner you remove water from your hair, without removing the minimum moisture, the lesser will the damage. T-shirt does exactly that.


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