Saturday, 27 Apr 2024

Turns out cigarette have benefit for a cleaning


IllustrationIllustration - Sometimes it sounds strange and unique, tobacco is usually used for smoking can actually do something helpful. Goods made from raw tobacco has proven to make the front windshield of the car so clean.

This knowledge is based on literacy results from various experiences. As disclosed from one of the truck drivers. "Cigarettes have been proven for years to make the windshield view clearer, rain water is not easy to stick to the surface of the glass and will soon dissolve so that the view becomes clearer" said Suwanto

"Cigarettes are used to make sure the type of clove and not a white cigarette" he explained. "Probably because clove cigarettes have more pure tobacco than white cigarettes" he continued.

"I got these tips from drivers before I was still a truck driver of Thames Trader, Dodge D400, Chevrolet Viking and trucks at that time" said the man who is now almost 70 years old.

He said that how to mix this glass cleaner concoction is very easy, simply by soaking 2 to 3 cigarettes into the water and let the water change color to brown.

Then rub the glass surface, wait a while until the water dries. Repeat several times to get better results.

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