Monday, 20 May 2024

Avengers: End Game, the title for the last Avengers movie


Avengers : End GameAvengers : End Game - Marvel Studios is known to always refrain the informations related to their next project. It was done to make the fans more curious and make them surprise later. This also happen to their biggest project for next year, Avengers 4.

However, fans are now getting a bit of fresh air about the movie that will be the last sequel of Avengers. Although the plot and synopsis are still closed tightly.

Trent Opaloch, cinematographer who has worked on Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Captain America: Civil War and Avengers: Infinity War, recently updated the resume on its website with the upcoming Avengers movie title. He lists Avengers: End Game as one of his credits.

Quoting Ace Showbiz, Opaloch seems to realize that he made a mistake by sharing it to public. Now, his resume has been changed with only Avengers 4. Although it has been quickly removed and replaced, the information has been perpetuated by the netizen and spread quickly online.

Upon leaking the title, the fans also believe the truth is related to the key phrase that was said by Doctor Strange before he became ash at the end of Infinity War. "We're in the End Game, now," said the character played by Benedict Cumberbatch.

However, the assistant director, Joe Russo had said that the title of the film will not be based on the lines of dialogue in Avengers 3. On the Russo statement last May, fans also suspected he was deliberately lying to distract fans on leak information circulated.

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