Friday, 26 Apr 2024

Bot No Jaem, Youtuber who got his famous just from uploading videos of him studying


Bot No JaemBot No Jaem - His name on YouTube is Bot No Jaem. Quoted DetectiveNET from the Telegraph, this bespectacled teenager suddenly becomes popular thanks to the videos he put on YouTube, which is actually very boring. But somehow even become viral.

Most of Jaem's videos just show he's studying for hours. At best he fixed his glasses and opened the book. His expression never changes, nor ever speaks and always alone.

Other videos sometimes recorded him drinking, eating noodles or brushing his teeth. Or exercise in the gym again in silent condition.

He became a sensation and has collected more than 348 thousand subscribers on YouTube. A video called Study With Me which he aired live for 7 hours was seen almost 500 thousand times.

Not yet known what the real name and how old the YouTuber. Korean Herald Media reported that he was preparing for the police entrance examination.

Because of his looks, he collected a lot of female fans. "My time is wasted because I cannot stop staring at him" writes a female fan in the YouTube comment field.

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