Friday, 26 Apr 2024

Legislative members Asks Parties who put up Banners on Trees are Given Sanctions


(Deputy Chairperson of Pekanbaru City Council Tengku Azwendi deplores the number of advertising banners mounted on the tree (photo / Put))(Deputy Chairperson of Pekanbaru City Council Tengku Azwendi deplores the number of advertising banners mounted on the tree (photo / Put)) -

PEKANBARU - Deputy Chairman of Pekanbaru City Council, Tengku Azwendi, deplored the number of advertising banners installed on trees, and even more concerning, the billboards arre installed by nailing them.

"It's clear that advertisements on trees are prohibited, there are still those who place advertisements on trees. This should be dealt with, and there are sanctions for violators," Azwendi said when talking to reporters on Friday (6/12/2019).

Said, Azwendi, the omission of banners stuck in the tree gave the impression of alacrity and the readiness of local regulations enforcers in the city of Pekanbaru to work, which rules and sanctions should be enforced.

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"There must be a deterrent effect on those who are not disciplined in the permit and banner implementation. Just try to be dealt with administratively and criminally, in the future there may be changes," he said.

Besides that, this Democratic Politician urges banner businessmen to obey the obligations and prohibitions in organizing banners. To be orderly, according to aesthetics, and make a positive contribution to Pekanbaru.

"Let's protect it together. If it doesn't start from now on, maybe our city can become a banner forest," he concluded. (R24 / Put)


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