Friday, 26 Apr 2024

7 Benefits of Basking in the Morning Sun, One of Which Can Eliminate Acne


IllustrationIllustration - Since the Coronavirus pandemic has spread and infected many people, activities that can improve the health and immunity of the body have begun to be sought after, one of which is basking in the morning sun. Sunbathing in the morning has many benefits.

As quoted from Lifehack, here are 10 benefits of sunbathing in the morning:

1. Lowering Blood Pressure
The benefits of sunbathing on the first morning are to reduce blood pressure. According to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Edinburgh, a compound called nitric oxide will be released into blood vessels as soon as the sun's rays touch the skin. These compounds can serve to help lower blood pressure. This finding is very important because previously people thought that the only benefit of sunbathing in the morning for humans was to stimulate the production of vitamin D.

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2. Improve Bone Health
The benefits of sunbathing on the second morning are to improve bone health. As is well known, vitamin D stimulates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus which can strengthen bones. But not only that, but vitamin D3 also appears to have an important role in bone density. Vitamin D3 is a fat-soluble vitamin that is formed during the process of making vitamin D when sunlight hits the skin. This can regulate calcium absorption. If you have higher vitamin D3 content in the blood, then it is less likely that you will suffer a broken bone and vice versa. That is why sunbathing in the morning is very important for bone health in adults to older people.

3. Improve Brain Function
The benefits of sunbathing on the third morning are to improve brain function. One study led by neuroscientist David Llewellyn of the University of Cambridge assessed vitamin D levels in more than 1,700 men and women from the UK aged 65 years or older and found that cognitive function diminished when vitamin D levels were low in that person.

Several other studies have also found that sunlight can help stimulate nerve cell growth in the hippocampus, which is the part of the brain responsible for forming, regulating, and storing memory. So in conclusion, vitamin D obtained from sunbathing in the morning can improve brain function in a person.

4. Basking in the Morning Eliminating Mild Depression
The benefit of sunbathing on the fourth morning is to eliminate mild depression. Lack of sunlight can cause a disorder called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD is a depression that is commonly felt when in winter. The same thing happens to people who work long hours in office buildings and rarely go out to sunbathe.

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5. Improve Sleep Quality
The benefits of sunbathing on the fifth morning are to improve sleep quality. That's because when sunlight hits the eye, a message is sent to the pineal gland in the brain and the production of melatonin (a hormone that makes us sleepy and helps us sleep) is closed until the sun sets again.

6. Cure Some Skin Disorders
The benefits of sunbathing on the seventh morning are to cure some skin disorders. Exposure to sunlight during sunbathing in the morning can help cure skin disorders such as acne, psoriasis, eczema, jaundice, and other fungal infections of the skin. Sunbathing therapy in the morning for four weeks has been proven to be used successfully to relieve psoriasis symptoms significantly in 84% of subjects. To prevent the negative side effects of UV radiation and ensure the benefits outweigh the risks posed, it is advisable to use this alternative treatment method under medical supervision.

7. Basking in the Morning Increases Immunity
The benefits of sunbathing on a ninth morning are to boost the immune system. Sun exposure can help suppress an overactive immune system, which can explain why sunlight is used to treat autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis.


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